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DWI With Multiple Child Passengers - Part 2
In this blog, we will continue our topic from last week and provide more information on DWI with multiple child passengers. Driving while intoxicated with multiple child passengers is a serious felony in Texas. Often, it is parents who are arrested on this charge. For other vehicle operators at certain times of life, having multiple child passengers in their vehicle is not that unusual, even though they may not be parents of multiple children. If you have been charged with a DWI while carrying child passengers, you must immediately seek the advice of an experienced Houston, TX felony DWI lawyer.
Other Multiple Child Passengers Situations
School bus drivers and drivers of general transportation buses and vans would be obvious examples. But you do not have to be a bus driver to have multiple children in your vehicle. Parents carpool to take children to school and pick up children after school. Grandparents pick up grandchildren and their friends for trips to the pool, playground, or museum. Teachers and coaches take groups of children to school athletic practices and events, while teachers and volunteers take groups of children on field trips and to band, choir, and drama performances. Aunts, uncles, other relatives, and friends take groups of children to plays, ball games, zoos, and all kinds of other social, cultural, and recreational events.
DWI With Multiple Child Passengers - Part 1
A Texas DWI arrest with multiple child passengers in the vehicle is a very serious matter. When the DWI offense involves a child passenger in the vehicle that the defendant driver was operating when arrested on the DWI, Texas criminal law enhances the typical first-offense DWI charge from a simple Class B misdemeanor all the way to a state jail felony. A Texas DWI with a child passenger is a felony, not a misdemeanor, crime.
Felony DWI charges involving child passengers can have other serious collateral consequences. Those collateral consequences can include driver's license administrative suspension and potential effects on professional licenses and employment. But the collateral consequences of a DWI with child passengers can also include potentially affecting child custody.
Why Solicitation is More Serious Than Prostitution
You might be under the impression that working as a prostitute would be a more serious crime than hiring one. While a habitual prostitute makes a career out of crime, a man who hires a prostitute may be a mostly law-abiding citizen who broke the law only once, perhaps during a bachelor party or after a difficult breakup. However, in Texas, the opposite is true. Solicitation, or the crime of paying for sex, is a more serious offense than selling sex. Concerns over human trafficking and the exploitation of vulnerable women are the main reason for this. Courts and legislators are becoming more aware that many women are forced or coerced into prostitution and may be victims themselves. If you have been charged with soliciting a prostitute, you need an experienced Houston, TX criminal defense lawyer.
DUI v. DWI in Texas
In other states, "Driving Under the Influence" (DUI) refers to an adult's violation of a drunk-driving law but, in Texas, the adult charge is "Driving While Intoxicated" (DWI), as explained above. The Texas "DUI" is a specific charge against a minor for drinking and driving. If you are a minor who has been charged with DUI or an alcohol-related offense in Texas, it is important to contact a Houston, TX DUI defense lawyer immediately.
Zero Tolerance for Minors in Texas
Because of the state's zero-tolerance approach, the DUI charge for minor drivers does not require any impairment, intoxication, or BAC. Any alcohol use while driving is subject to a DUI. However, because of this lower standard, the DUI penalties are less severe - a first-offense DUI may result in a fine of up to $500 and 40 hours of community service, while a first-offense DWI fine can be as much as $2,000 with a jail sentence as long as 180 days.
"Zero Tolerance": When Minors Are Deemed Under the Influence in Texas
For adults, Texas alcohol-related law is, at its core, focused on safety: we do not want anyone harmed because of someone's use of alcohol. A person may be charged with "driving while intoxicated" (DWI) if he or she has been driving on a public road and has consumed so much alcohol (or another substance) that the person no longer has the normal use of his or her mental or physical faculties. Intoxication is presumed if a person has a breath or blood concentration (BAC) of 0.08 percent or above. A minor who is charged with underage DWI may face more serious consequences and needs an experienced Houston, TX criminal defense attorney.
What is Different About DWI for Minors in Texas?
For minors under the age of 21, Texas lawmakers had a broader prevention goal in mind: they wanted to stop minors from using alcohol in the first place. Therefore, the relevant laws for minors intend to prevent them from using alcohol in the first place. Collectively, these resulting statutes are referred to as Texas's "zero tolerance" laws.
Evading Arrest While DWI in Texas
It is extremely common for drivers who are drunk to panic when they realize that a police officer is trying to pull them over, or has noticed that they are drunk. These drivers may make attempts to avoid arrest, which can lead to additional charges for evading arrest. Evading is normally a misdemeanor, but may be charged as a state jail felony if the defendant used a vehicle while fleeing. This is because fleeing in a vehicle can lead to a high-speed police chase, which endangers everyone involved and nearby. Most DWI drivers who flee do so while driving, although some do attempt to flee on foot. If you are accused of DWI and evading arrest, it is very important to seek advice from a qualified Houston, TX DWI defense lawyer immediately.
Actions That Can Lead to Evading Arrest and Similar Charges
In addition to the DWI, you might face charges for evading arrest, evading detention, or similar charges if you took measures to avoid getting arrested such as:
DWI With a Child Passenger Can Affect Divorce in Houston, TX
While a simple DWI is normally a misdemeanor, if you had a child under 15 years old in the car, you could instead be charged with a felony. If the child in question was your child, your spouse will likely be quite angry with you for putting your child in harm’s way. This situation sometimes leads to CPS involvement, which can put enormous strain on a marriage. It is unsurprising that many couples get divorced after one of them is charged with DWI while their child is in the car. Facing this serious felony charge can have an enormous impact on your divorce proceedings and the type of child custody arrangement that will be ordered. There is a substantial chance that the family law court will view you as a potential danger to your child. It is important to be represented by a skilled Houston, TX, DWI defense lawyer who can work to mitigate the seriousness of your case.
CDL DWIs in Texas
While getting a DWI and losing your driving privileges temporarily can be an enormous hassle for any driver, the problem may be much worse if you have a commercial driver’s license. You likely need your driving privileges not just to get to and from work, but to actually do your job. Being unable to work can cause serious financial problems not only for you, but for your entire family. CDL holders have much more to lose than most people if they are convicted of a DWI. Even getting arrested on suspicion of DWI can cause you to instantly lose your job and have your personal and commercial licenses suspended. If you are a CDL holder who drives for a living, it is important to contact an experienced Houston, TX, DWI attorney as soon as you are arrested.
Lower B.A.C. Limits for CDL Holders
Most drivers can be convicted of a DWI if their B.A.C. was over 0.08% while they were operating a vehicle. CDL drivers are held to a higher standard. People who hold a CDL can be convicted of a DWI for having a B.A.C. over only 0.04%. This may mean that, unlike most people, you cannot drive home after having just 2 or 3 drinks over dinner. You would need to exercise much greater caution than most drivers, as you might not feel drunk or look drunk to others at this B.A.C.
DWI and Bad Weather in Texas
What does the weather have to do with getting arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated? Quite a bit - bad weather conditions can cause problems with roadside sobriety tests, and can even provide an officer with a reason to make a traffic stop they otherwise could not have made. Even sober and cautious drivers may be at the mercy of slippery roads. People undergoing field sobriety tests can also have their results impacted by the presence of certain weather conditions. Is it really fair that one person’s balance is tested on a nice day with nothing but a gentle breeze, while another person is expected to produce the same results in high winds and rain? If you were accused of a DWI during a period of nasty weather, an experienced Houston, TX DWI lawyer may be able to show the court that the weather played a role in making you appear more intoxicated than you were.
Plea Bargaining to Avoid Felonies
The prosecutor assigned to your felony case probably does not want to go to trial any more than you do. As a criminal defendant, you do have the right to demand a fair trial before a jury of your peers if you decide that is what is best for you. However, trials can be risky for both sides. The prosecutor risks losing the case entirely and seeing you get acquitted of all charges. You risk getting convicted of a felony when you could have had your offense reduced to a misdemeanor by accepting a plea bargain. Defendants who are convicted at trial are often sentenced more harshly than those who plead guilty, as trials can take up a significant amount of the state’s time and resources. That said, you may have a valid defense that makes going to trial worth it. Your Houston, TX, criminal defense lawyer can help you decide how to plead and whether to change your plea